Hi Brooke

I’m trying to do NSNF again, I’ve been going off plan regularly lately. I tried in the past to do NSNF and I was more consistent back then but still did go off plan about every 1-2 weeks after doing it for 3 months. I also 30lbs over 16 weeks but I’ve put it all back again after I finished doing a one to one life coaching programme. I’ve always exercised whilst I did this in the past and I do a mixture of weights and some cardio. I’ve joined SCS and I heard it’s ok to keep exercising if that’s what you’ve always done but I wanted to check how this works in with IF as I don’t feel hungry in the morning so I go exercise on an empty stomach and I’m fine but I’m not eating till around lunch time then to break my fast – is this ok as I heard you shouldn’t IF until you’ve done like ?6 weeks off sugar and flour but what should you do if your not hungry and restarting NSNF? I do feel tired whilst I’ve been trying to go back to NSNF, should I just eat a light breakfast, would that help as when I feel physically tired later in the day, I choose to overeat to avoid feeling it. I feel uncomfortable and anxious when I feel tired as I have thoughts like I need to do more which are coming from feelings of impatience and fear. Instead of just resting as that’s what I need
