Off Protocol & Intake of Sugar Questions

I went off sugar and flour at the beginning of June. A couple of weeks into that protocol I added IF by eliminating breakfast (only 2 cups of coffee w/1 T. full fat cream in each) followed by lunch and dinner within a 6 1/2 hour eating window.
Towards the end of August I went off protocol for a week and had been back on protocol for 21 days until yesterday. Boredom and old thinking about going to a catered work lunch resurfaced yesterday and instead of ignoring urges to eat sugar, I gave in. After work I went to the store and bought more “off protocol” food.
Do I just immediately return to IF or should I make some type of adjustment protocol (eat breakfast?) until the sugar is out of my system. (equivalent of 4 desserts)
How long should it take for me to get all this sugar out of my system?
Is this just further proof that I have a diet mentality that won’t go away?