oh my, followup # 2 contribution

its the funniest thing – typing here creates momentum that forces me to complete something

thank you

so, I realized with help from Joseph Murphy, a little book called “Believe in Yourself”
that I must learn to love and live my dreams at work, love and live my ideals at work, love and live my objectives at work.

I must give them my full on love and energy. I must live and breathe through it.

my work is my passion, always

The “naysayers” are in my mind. Fear masquerading again

Joseph Murphy suggests to ignore the fear in the mind and pursue the big dreams.

As an SCS-er I KNOW that already 🙂

gosh I got stuck in a story of fear

T- I live my big dreams, my big loves, no matter where I am, who I am with, what I am doing
T-Great things can be found everywhere, my eyes are always open
T-I’ll keep working this angle.
T-I will latch on and build it up.
T-This is my only work focus.

Thanks for being here,
