On Not Beating Myself Up

I set out to write 7 pages towards my novel yesterday and watched myself postponing it throughout the day till I ended up not honoring my plan.
Throughout the day my head run this model:

C= Write 7 pages.
T= I feel like going out to see a friend and then watch a movie on Netflix instead, let’s try to do the writing later.
F= Relieved.
A= Going with a friend, watching Netflix (and not writing)
R= No writing done.

When I woke up this morning I felt like I disappointed myself and I also felt self-defeated.
Then I didn’t want to feel self-defeated because now my not writing is a circumstance I cannot undo.

And so I watched myself talking myself out of beating myself up.

I started coming up with sentences like: It’s ok, so you took one day off, think of it like a day off. And it does relieve from the pain of being disappointed of myself.

Today’s model looks like this:

C= No writing yesterday.
T= So I took one day off. Today is a new day.
F= Still disappointed.
A= Write today.
R= Get my novel going.

So I am not sure if not beating myself up is a good strategy or a bad one.
I am not sure which part of the brain does the talking.