One Thought Per Model (i.e., learning how to do the model)

I’ve realized that for months, I’ve been doing the model “wrong”. I’m not picking just one “thought”, I’m writing whole sentences. I wrote two models a day – one “unintentional” and one “intentional”. And I frequently follow the “unintentional” model.

Example from last week:

C: Sweets
T: It’s too hard to kick my sugar habit. I don’t want to. I want to still enjoy treats in my life. And my body is “pretty good”. Today, 126.7 lbs. That’s not half bad. So why take away something I love in life for some amorphous “better” version of me?
F: Apathy
A: Continue to eat a sweet treat every day, keep feeding my vicious sugar habit.
R: 126+ lbs, don’t break this destructive habit.

C: Sweets
T: I can still have sweets, just not every day. This is what Brooke says to do about urges and cravings: “You allow yourself to feel the urge and you don’t respond to it. This is the only way to truly recover from overeating or overdrinking, or any type of buffering.” I CAN have the sweets. I just can’t have them every day. Try planning two treats a week…
F: Motivated
A: Plan a couple sweets this week (today, the special cake picked up from Blue Hill). Plan to have no other sweets for five days a week. *
R: 124-125 lbs (goal weight), break my destructive sugar habit.

(*Yeah, sounds like a good plan, right? But I didn’t follow it. I ate that entire cake in 4 days.)

Now I’m trying just one thought per model. My question: why is this different than the whole sentences I wrote before? I’m just trying this new approach starting today.

C: Sugar intake
T: I’ve been telling myself I want to quit sugar, but I don’t really want to quit sugar.
F: Honest
A: Get curious about why I don’t want to quit sugar.
R: Start figuring out how to live a plan that works for me, that I love (joy eats twice a week).