out of the frying pan

hi Brooke,
thanks for all your work. I can’t believe I came across you as I love all the same authors (including Marc Lewis who was in Australia last year) and since I started listening to your podcasts I have lost 15 lbs (7 kgs) and might lose another (I’m 5’2″) and hardly ever drink even though I used to drink 5 nights a week and more on weekends. Like you, it is a miracle that I have lost the desire to drink. It truly is. Also because of your work influence, I have stepped up to a more senior position at work which is challenging in a good way. My question is whether I should go for another job at work when I’m not sure whether I will like it. I don’t like the people there as much. My yougest child finished school the year before last, I’m 54, pretty comfortable financially and have had the same part time job for the last 15 years though I’ve done other jobs too in tht time.
c job to be filled
t might be good for me to do something with more ongoing responsibility but the hours might not suit me as well
f doubt
a haven’t put in application but think about it a lot
r be stuck