Over eating model

I’ve been doing this model several times for a long time now and I am still over eating. I can’t figure out a thought that will help me not over eat. Can you help?

C: I drank 3 drinks, ate 12 oreos, 6 peanut butter crackers, 1 medium fry, and one cheeseburger. I ate 1764 calories today.
T: This is a lot of calories I’ll never get this right. I have been working on this for so long. There is something wrong with me. I’m gaining my weight back. I should be fixed by now. I’ve been working on this for so long.
A: Shame, guilt, uncomfortable, secrecy
R: Eat more the next day. Hide what I eat

Intentional Model:
C: I drank 3 drinks, ate 12 oreos, 6 peanut butter crackers, 1 medium fry, and one cheesburger. I ate 1764 calories yeasterday.
T: We can tell the story that we have been working on it for so long at that we are broken, or we can tell the story that look at the 20 pounds we have lost instead of the four gained. Look at how much progress I have made. Look how I keep showing up to figure this out. There are a lot of people who never work on this. I have changed in the past with cutting.
A: Eat Less
R: Gain less weight.

These models don’t help me eat less though. It’s like I logically understand it but not emotionally.