Photography of Other Women

My boyfriend is a photographer. We met because I modeled for him and when we met it was just an instant connection and it was just magical and amazing. We’ve been dating for a year now and I’m having such a hard time when he goes to shoot with other females (sometimes in an intimate environment and some are not). I’m so worried and anxious the same thing with happen with another girl. It also makes me think thoughts like, I’m not special enough. I’m not pretty enough. Those girls are more beautiful than me and he will fall in love with them. Here is a model.

C: Boyfriend takes photos of other girls
T: I’m not as special or as beautiful as them
F: Unloved
A: Distance myself from him, get upset
R: Separation from boyfriend and isolation

I want to feel confident in knowing I’m amazing with or without him and no matter what happens I’m confident in that I am beautiful and enough and special … I can’t finish this model, I’m not sure what my action or result would look like? Please help?

C: Boyfriend takes photos of other girls
T: I’m beautiful AF and amazingly successful
F: Confident

Thank you!