Ping ponging between 2 focuses

Hi Brooke! I was just on your wait list call and very excited to be part of scholars. I’ve been binging on your podcasts and my husband, friends and fellow coaches are hearing a lot of “What Brooke says…” (I am also getting friends on my Masters swim team to answer “how are you?” with “AMAZING!”).

Anyway: I am currently building my coaching business back up after retreating into the land of the “jobby-job” for a few years. I left my job to return to coaching and writing (personal essays, and a memoir). I was struck by what you said on the Waitlist call about picking a focus and moving on. I am 53 and feel like it’s time to GET ON IT, so my thoughts are: I have to do them BOTH–even though I can get caught up in deciding WHAT to do now/next to the point that–tick tock tick tock–hours go by and not a lot has been produced. I do attempt to schedule blocks of time but I am falling short. How does a person prioritize two priorities? Thank you! Tatyana