Prep for 2018 Certification

Hi Brooke,

I am planning to attend your 2018 Certification and am thinking about how I can use the next year to prepare myself. I’m a VIP and plan to stay with SCS until certification. I am working full-time and my boss is aware that I’m pursuing this training and is in total support of it. She knows I will likely transition out of my job while getting certified and building my business. I’ve been at my company for 21 years and I’m 43 so I’ve basically spent all of my adult life there and this adds to the scary factor but I’m totally working through that and am excited for this new adventure.

What is your suggestion for preparing myself? I have lots of ideas and need to constrain them.
-Figure out my niche and begin outlining some content I will develop
-start informally coaching my colleagues when I do 1:1 supervision meetings with them
-explore entrepreneurship and all that is involved in that
-focus on weight loss, as one of my possible niches is weight focused
-learn about marketing and website development (I did a webinar with Amy Porterfield on your recommendation – she’s so good!)
-practice making videos teaching the model and other concepts
-start a blog and develop a following
-none of the above and just continue to work my job and self coach each month (this is my least favorite option)

I’m definitely a consumer of information so I’m trying not to just consume but I can’t really take action on building a business until I’m certified…or can I?