Procrastinate — I thought it belonged in the A-line, but now I wonder if it belongs in the T-line.


I would like to ask about where procrastinate belongs in the Model.

I formerly thought it belonged in the A-line for the most part… and occasionally, in the Circumstance line, if I was doing a model on my thoughts about my procrastination.

But then… I came across Simone Seol’s thoughts about “procrastination” in her Instagram stories that kind of blew my mind, but after some discussion with fellow peer coaches and Scholars, we wondered if procrastination could actually fit elsewhere in the model.

Simone said this:
“Procrastination” goes in the T line.
Procrastination is a THOUGHT.
It’s not something you DO.
It’s an opinion, an assessment, or a judgment of something you did, or didn’t do.
* And it’s optional to think that you procrastinate ever. *

Procrastination cannot exist without the thought that you “should” have done something other than what you actually did.
Remove the should
— in other words, stop resisting reality, as Byron Katie would say —
and there is no procrastination.
Just neutral action.
Seeing the action without judging it as “procrastination” is the beginning of compassionate curiosity.
Compassionate curiosity always leads to learning — learning about how you work, what your true needs are and what serves you.
Learning creates change.
Judgment leads to no learning, no change.” (end quote)

After some discussion about this with peer coaches & fellow LCS scholars, we wonder if putting procrastinate in the A line is, indeed, an option.

I wonder if what Simone is saying is to notice that “procrastinate” has an element of judgment… and maybe it serves us when we’re self-coaching to point that out.
I think I may just point that out… and maybe neutralize the action to “I did it later” instead of “I procrastinated”??

Just some thoughts.
We would love to hear your insight on “procrastination” and its placement in the model.

Forever learning,
SCS Scholar / CCP Student