Profit First Question…

Hey Brooke! Going through your Entrepreneur Videos – and I L-O-V-E the “Profit First” concept you shared in the “Cash Flow and Profit” video! While I ordered the book just now on Amazon, I also looked up the book summary – and found the step-by-step process he recommends for setting aside a percentage of profit from your monthly revenue.

I’m just curious whether you use his exact multi-account concept (where it appears you figure out a profit percentage – and then you put aside that for profit based on whatever revenue you happen to make) …

OR do you create a target profit number (monthly/quarterly) based on revenue goals – and then focus on meeting/exceeding your revenue goals – so you’re good on your specific profit number? Or do you do something completely different?

THIS concept is a game-changer, BTW. Thank you SO MUCH for sharing that.