Progress on my thesis. Siw

I need help on increasing progress on my thesis. I just need to get this done by June 20, and then I am free from grad school and can start my own business coaching people on money (which I am so exited about!). I have for the most part stopped procrastinating due to negative emotions, it’s more been a problem with scheduling enough time to get things done, and not allowing myself to be interrupted by other tasks. I do however think that negative emotions and thoughts are still slowing me down, even though I am managing my mind better than before (totally related to the podcast 210 and what Dr. Sasha Heinz talked about with her phd-experience, this is exactly how grad school has felt the last two years).

Model on thesis April 10, 2018

C: Thesis theory
T: I don’t want to do it
F: Dread
A: Inaction. Procrastination.
R: Still have to do it

C: Thesis theory
T: I don’t know where to start
F: Confusion
A: Procrastination
R: Thesis theory not done

C: Thesis theory
T: I don’t have enough time. It is too late.
F: Anxiety
A: Buffer.
R: Thesis theory not done. Less time to do it. (Oh the irony!)

C: Thesis theory
T: F it.
F: Ignorance
A: Buffer. Distract
R: Results not produced. Time wasted. Less time to create great result.

C: Thesis theory
T: It is boring
F: Blah.
A: Procrastination. Buffer. Do other things to seem productive, but that are less important.
R: Produced nothing on thesis.

C: Thesis theory
T: It won’t be good enough.
F: Anxiety
A: Stare at screen. Jump from task to task.
R: Low production.

C: Thesis theory
T: I worry about disappointing my supervisor.
F: Anxiety
A: Panic between different tasks, without keeping focus.
R: Nothing completed.

Intentional model:
C: Thesis theory
T: Do it slowly, do it badly, do it with fear, do it with boredom. Just do it.
F: Still anxious.
A: Doing models.
R: Thesis not done.

Intentional model 2
C: Thesis theory
T: Start with what you know.
F: Focused.
A: Start writing.
R: Progress.

I am aware that my thoughts are the problem and the solution. I just need to get to the solution faster. The deadline is approaching, and I am meeting with my supervisor next week and need to send her “something written”, by Monday evening (Anxiety!). I am working on allowing my emotions and trying to solve negative thoughts and emotions with models, but there is still too much buzz in my brain to achieve the productivity I need. Help.
