Putting Teamwork in the Model | DMWC

Hi Brooke!

I have a question – how do you put teamwork in the model? AKA, if you want to believe “We’re a team” but you currently believe “We’re not a team” – whether it be at work or in marriage or whatever – how does the result line work if only you can be in it? Is it just that you show up as if “we are a team”? Is it that you reframe what being a team means? Seems that being a team is defined by all parties in the team contributing and wanting to make the team better…do you commit to massive action until you create a team environment? Or is that more getting tied up in a manual for what a team “should” be? And is how you put it in the model different if it’s work vs. something like a marriage? Insights much appreciated. Thanks in advance!