^Q1 epic fails pre-empted?

hi Brooke
I was working away at my 25 Q1 fails around launching my business when on Jan 7th I was cycling, got hit by a car and have been in hospital ever since. For the last two weeks I’ve been too sick to formally do Scholars work, although it remains in my thoughts and choices.
I cant walk or even sit up for more than a couple minutes and using a computer is hard. I’m not working. I will be in hospital around 3 months.
So most of my epic fails will have to wait. i will get back on to my daily thought downloads and podcasts from tmrw.
It’s worth noting that my thoughts and feelings have been predominantly very positive, including almost instantly forgiving the car driver. I have been in a lot of pain, but this is now coming back to workable levels and I am consciously choosing how to feel about the pain and my situation. I Think I owe much of that success to your coaching.
It’s a little disappointing, but not the end of the world. It has renewed my sense of purpose in working with others – if i wasnt meant to survive the crash, then I wouldnt have, right?
Any suggestions on proceeding from here?
Should I make a new set of Q1 goals?