Question about Model

I have a question about a few models, and I am not sure to have it right.

C: I look at my week and see no social event
T the more I have friends the more it means I am a good person.
F: wanting
C I text some people to go out but people I don’t really want to see.
R I am judgmental, I don’t really want to be there.

C: I look at my week and see no social event
T I don’t want to be like my parents and have no friends
F: fear
C I text some people to go out but people I don’t really want to see.
R I don’t feel good with these people. I am reinforcing the idea that I can’t have any friends.

C: I am the one texting to go out.
T: I am not lovable enough because nobody invites me.
F sad
A : I compare myself with others. I look for evidence of all the time I am rejected
R I reinforce the idea that I am not lovable.

I have difficulties going to intentional models on these ones!
T: sometimes I feel angry. It doesn’t mean I am always angry.
E: acceptance.
A: take no actions
R: I don’t react to anger
(I don’t have a circumstance there)

What should I do with the thoughts I find in intentional models. Should I repeat it? Or write it everywhere I need?

Thank you.