Question about pm meltdown

Thank you once again I love that you just get to the point! Could you please help me with exactly what I need to do – I’m in passive and need massive action. As far as drinking wine I can’t have it in the house. Period – I’ve joined weight watchers with a friend and need to be there for her and me. We both have 40 pounds to lose. It’s a good program for me. Do I get back exactly to Stop over drinking urges – plans sheets? The over eating will be lessened by not drinking and following WW plan. When I think about the drinking I almost get a panic attack – my brain just goes zombie – clouded can’t think straight – my mom and brother both had to stop drinking also. But they actually did it. Still no one knows how much it haunts me. I’m perfectly functionaing otherwise but my excessive weight gain is surely a clue that my life is out of control right now. I appreciate you and your honesty and straight talk- thank you