Rate of pay

I am a solo mental health attorney, representing indigent clients. With the statutory framework under which I am paid, I could make a maximum of $87,450/year doing the work I currently do, which is paid at the rate of $53/hour. At the end of this fiscal year (June 30th), I will have made about $31,000. I am having trouble coming up with a new thought in my Intentional Model, below. Do you have any suggestions? Thank you so much!

Unintentional Model
C: The public defender agency pays $53/hour to lawyers in mental health cases.
T: It is demoralizing to have gotten one $3/hour raise in 14 years.
F: Demoralized
A: Procrastinate, buffer with screen and food, complain about the pay and the fact that we haven’t been paid on time once in 4 months (due to fallout from a ransomware attack), jump from task to task without focus
R: Don’t work enough hours, don’t make enough money to support us, accumulate debt

Intentional Model:
C: The public defender agency pays $53/hour to lawyers in mental health cases.
T: [I’ve come up with the following thoughts that don’t make me feel better and so far I can’t think of thoughts that do: I could make $87,450 per year. At $53/hour, I could make enough to support us. I am lucky to have the potential of an endless supply of work at $53/hour available to me. ]
F: Productive
A: Work with focused energy and attention, meet billable hours goal I set for myself
R: Make enough money to support us and get out of debt