Ready to do this!

Hi there. I received a coaching certificate from another coaching school last October but have not started practicing or building a business. I don’t believe that I am equipped with enough knowledge in regards to business development or with a system or process to coach. I was originally interested in health/weioght loss coaching but couldn’t figure out a niche or even what to call myself. I never even ordered business cards because of this. I also need to lose about 15 pounds.
I am so excited to have found Self Coaching Scholars! I believe this is what I have been looking for. I am in a unique and blessed position in life in that my wonderful husband fully supports me in my dreams and in our finances so that I can work on learning and developing full time. My goal is to lose the 15 pounds once and for all and learn to be free of my desire to turn to food to meet my needs and then teach this to others. In addition to that goal, I want to develop a thriving, successful coaching business.
I started SCS on January 1 and I have already listened to all of the Assets. I love all the information and believe that applying all this wonderful information will be a game changer for me. I love to learn but I have a tendency to consume lots of knowledge, get overwhelmed, get paralyzed and never apply it. My question is, considering that I can devote a full time schedule to this information what would be the best use of my time? I am already getting overwhelmed. Should I focus on the weight loss first then the entrepreneurial info or do them both at the same time? Or am I overlooking some other obvious answer? I would appreciate any wisdom or direction that you can offer.

Thanks so much,