Really falling behind…

Hello Brooke,
I have been in SCS for over 7 months. I have loved must of it, but I have this feeling I’m falling behind. I kind of feel I am facing again the same challenges I faced before I joined and I’m really crossed that despite having the model to use I feel unable to get myself back on track. I just had a massive food binge and I honestly believing everyone can really succeed in SCS but me. I know this is a terrible self-pitty party (and how appropriate for this month) but I am finding almost impossible to stick to my plan of doing more models to feel more positive about life. I just started to watch yesterdays coaching session and you were so excited about Friday and I felt so jealous, I don’t really feel either the working week or the weekends are so great. Need to snap out of this ASAP before I undo all the work. Where to start again? Thank you. L