Relationship with my body – 1

I would like to start working on my relationship with my body. Since a burn out 3 years ago, I have some physical symptoms, some that I can describe easily (headaches, pain in my arms, dizziness), and some that I find harder to describe.
I also have a lot of negative thoughts about my body.
I had a great coaching session this morning and the coach suggested that I take this topic every week to “ask a coach” to do a deep work on that issue.
I started with a thought download about my body.
Here are the main thoughts :
– My body isn’t functiunning normally
– I can’t do what I want to do (body limits)
– I might never fully recover
– Everybody else but me is fine
– I just want to do sports again and I can’t
– I always feel bad in my body
– I feel so weak in my body
– I can’t trust my body
– I’m so limited

And then there is a second stage :
– If I don’t get better, it will affect my relationship with my husband
– I can’t have a normal social life
– I can’t have a normal family life
– I can’t have a normal professionnal life

I also have specific thoughts when I have a symptom that I don’t understand or that is being very present:
– I always have something going wrong
– It is ruining my day (and my life)
– This happens too often
– I don’t want to be like this anymore
– I can’t do what I had planned
– I’m suffering too much
– I don’t understand what’s going on
– This is not normal
– I’m all by myself
– I just want to feel better
– I’m too sensitive to everything (I have strong reactions after taking medicines ou natural therapies like plants)

With my coach we have also talked about setting a goal.

I thing my goals are:

– To feel good in my body ( good sensations)
– To be confident in my body
– To be healthy
– To be able to do sports again

Please, I really need your help to work on this. I’m really looking forward to finally dive into that work and change my relationship to my body.
What could I do next ?
Thanks by advance.