Relationship with My Sister

My sister and I have had a rough relationship over the last 5 years. I believe it has to do with a misunderstanding that occurred, but I can’t get her to discuss it with me. Suddenly she will stop responding to text messages and become very distant. For a little while, it gets better then worse again. My initial thought is “I want to have a good relationship with my sister.”
UN Model…
C: My sister doesn’t answer my text messages.
T: I want to have a good relationship with my sister.
F: Sad
A: Continued worry about what I did wrong.
R: no change in circumstance
IN Model…
C: My sister doesn’t answer my text messages.
T: I can love my sister without need of reciprocation.
F: Peace
I’m having trouble filling out the rest of the second model. I’d also appreciate any advice you could give to help me get to that place of peace. It feels a long way away right now. I really want to be close to her.