
Hoping for some advice on turning down the volume on my unintentional model. Thank you!

Unintentional Model
C: I will resign from my leadership position on 5/1/22. I will resign from my school district on 9/30/22.
T: I will lose credibility and power in my district.
F: Fear, Weak
A: Externally remain professional. Internally tell myself Iā€™m messing up and that no one else would do this.
R: ?

Intentional Model
C: I will resign from my leadership position on 5/1/22. I will resign from my school district on 9/30/22.
T: This will allow me to direct more energy toward my personal goals and business dream.
F: Excited
A: Pursue credential. Prepare documentation. Recruit participants.
R: Develop and implement my own program.