Rewriting the past – help to go further

Hello coaches,

I have worked on this model and would love help with further questions to help me accept and eventually be at peace with the past. I have discovered through a powerful coaching session that I spin in indecision because I am so scared to regret them like I regret too many other decisions. Could you ask me some questions that would help me let go of regret and rewrite the past with another lens? Ultimately, I would love to be at peace with what happened. And I am still very tormented by regrets. Here are the two models I worked on:

Context: Tomorrow is our fifteenth anniversary. The kids ask me to explain it, and I share our wedding story with them. We got married in Kenya, and at the time, I was working for the UN for a gender education program. My son asks me: “Why are you tearing up?” I respond: “I was a dreamer back then.” My mother-in-law says: “You have other dreams now.”

Unintentional model:
C: Breakfast with the family. Tomorrow is our 15th anniversary. Son says,” Why are you tearing up”? I answer: “I was a dreamer back then.”
T: I had to forgo so many dreams
F: Regret
A: I reminisce the past, I look at all the things that did not go as planned, I do not look or celebrate what I have, I tear up, I compare my life now to what I had imagined, I judge negatively, I fear to make mistakes now that I will regret, I postpone decisions, I spend my energy on things I cannot change, I do not focus on now or what I want to create
R: I set apart my dreams now

Intentional model
C: Breakfast with the family. Tomorrow is our 15th anniversary. Son says,” Why are you tearing up”? I answer: ” I was a dreamer back then.”
T: It was supposed to happen that way
F: Acceptance
A: I focus on now and the future I want to create. I chose a different lens to look at the past that serves me to move forward; I look at the past with compassion, I decide to focus on the lessons and move on, I celebrate what I have, I dream about what will be
R: I make room for the future I want.