Scholar’s Weight Loss Work for Weight Gain?

Hi there!

I am wondering if the weight loss work could be applied to wanting to gain weight? As mentioned in a previous question, the work around overeating is done through planning our food 24 hours in advance using our prefrontal cortex and and processing any emotions that come up as we follow through. I am actually quite underweight and have been working on eating more calories and have been struggling to do so. I’m thinking I could apply the same Scholars work just reversed? In the context on eating when I don’t necessarily want to, sticking to the meal plan even when I don’t want to, learning to be more organized and intentional. Learning to stop and rest and eat. (These are the first things I’ve noticed that have been hurdles for me so far.) Any information is greatly appreciated, thank you! (Also it would be interesting if the narrative of the work around food wasn’t all based on loss as that’s what it’s titled, talked about, marketed etc. but rather about our relationship with food in general….just an idea!)