Self sabotage in losing weight


Goal: Loosing 10kg

C: mom, dad, friends etc say “You have lost a lot of weight, you look good”
T: You were not good enough when you weighed 68-70kg
F: Unworthy
A: Avoid feelings (urge to overeat), buffer with social media AND spend time finding EVIDENCE for how “I am only good enough when I am skinny”, not exercise, disconnect/reject Self and emotions
R: Perpetuate the feeling of unworthiness

I am so IN it and I believe I just need to be WITH these emotions for a day before I find the lesson, but I also just want to override them and get over this “silly” model. I don’t want these “silly” thoughts to stop me from reaching my goal weight and self sabotage. Yet I also have a hard time moving forward to continue weight loss plan because I want to avoid FEELING unworthy, hurt, rejection – so I need to THINK new thoughts.

This “silly” part wants me to see past this and SEE + TRUST deeper in how I am loved unconditionally by those around me and myself because that is the truth. I am just the one making their words mean I am not loved conditionally, yet I know I am (rationally).

Feedback on how to move forward is appreciated.