September scheduling video

Hello Brooke! Your Sept. scheduling video where you work on your book funnel was SUPER HELPFUL!! OMG! Watching you do your model of feeling overwhelmed/distracted/confused TO the focused/efficient model was amazing. BUT THEN…you make your to-do list, then obstacles list and turn it into strategies. THEN put it into order and schedule it out?!! Just doing that work right would have me feel that I am half way done. The rest seems to be so much easier now. It is the mind organization of all of that has been my past challenge and you just did it brilliantly. I soooo appreciate this video and you taking the time to do it ALL in front of us!! I feel like I won the lottery with this video, lol. One question, besides your work schedule, do you do schedule out your entire day like from 6am–10 pm with all details stuff other than work such as lunch, dinner, errands, walk dogs, family time, chores, yoga, date nights, etc?? I think this month is a game changer. HUGS! THANKS SO MUCH!! Tracie 🙂