Sex Model

I am struggling with the models I have regarding my desire for sex. Here they are:

C- Husband and I are in bed. We have not had sex for 6 days.
T- I don’t want to have sex. (Is this a thought? It feels more factual to me because it is something I honestly do not want to do).
F- Guilt (if I totally was honest and not worried about my husband’s thoughts and feelings, I would be fine with this thought. It doesn’t really generate good or bad feelings. It just feels like a fact-neutral).

C- Husband and I are in bed. We have not had sex for 6 days.
T- I should want to have sex
F- Guilt
A- We don’t have sex, I think something must be wrong with me physically, I worry about what he’s thinking and feeling, I avoid talking to him about it, I think about my reasons for not having sex-I’m tired, I’m not in the mood, I don’t want to do something I don’t feel like doing.
R- We don’t have sex and I create negative drama around sex (??)

So I guess I am just confused where the “I don’t want to have sex” part goes in the model. On one hand, I feel guilty because of thoughts related to my husband’s model, but if I were honest with myself, it doesn’t feel like a T, it feels more like a C.