Sharing purpose

Love love love August videos/teaching and assignments.

My one line purpose: Evolving thru parenthood.

1. This is my story and how I started to find real joy and healing in my life. I don’t want to complain and blame my childhood for the pain and subsequent buffering. I have learned to feel my feelings and realize it is a continuous work in progress. It is easy for me to check out and look for distractions and external measures to feel better. I know it’s an inside job and I’m a human. I seek pleasure to feel better and I am creating a life that feels better than superficial distractions.

2. I am creating community by sharing my recipe of growing my kids and myself in my business. I have felt lonely and disconnected in my life. I have distanced myself from others and I’m ready to break that cycle by creating the community I’ve always craved thru my work.

3.Why this feels purposeful for me?: I want a warmer world for myself and my kids where we don’t need to buffer to feel better. We humans are meant to be pack animals…not to live in emotional isolation. A community can affect big change. Therefore, I’m creating a community to help people build connected family relationships so we can all feel better together.