Shoe Business Again…

Sorry, me again…

It just hit me that this (brother going behind my back) is probably the best thing that couldn’t have happened, and at the best time!! Because it gives us an opportunity to hash out these critical differences and get on the same page. Or decide that we shouldn’t move forward on the idea together. This is the time for this to happen because we don’t have a formal agreement in place (percentage ownership etc.) and so it makes dealing with these big issues so much easier. If it had happened after we had agreed on ownership, then that would be much harder since we would be legally tied to each other in a way. (Not sure if this is making sense, I’m not really a business person.)

But anyway, this gives us a golden opportunity to resolve these core issues and either decide to choose a different path or come together and stay on the same one…woohooo!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂