Should i change my impossible goal?

My impossible goal is to have a consultancy business and website up and running by dec 31st. It’s going well and I know I can do it.
However I almost chose weighing 140lbs as my impossible goal. I weighed that once in college for about a month, but I yoyo between 160-170 (I’m 5’9”).
I found you because I read your weightloss book and you’ve helped me in so many areas, but after 8 mobths of listening to podcasts and 2 months in scholars I still weigh 160lbs and don’t follow my protocol.
I put all my other goals first as they are less impossible! Should I change now?
I may still weigh 160lbs, but thanks to you I got through the hardest year of my life and saw everything as a positive experience I could learn from.
You are AMAZING!!