Sister and feeling trapped

Hi Brooke,

I have a sister. She is a Narcissist and has mental health issues. Our father passed away and subsequently all of my sisters and I have become directors of his business. I want to sell the business and all Assets. I want to move on with my life now. It has been a year.

This particular sister is going through a divorce and is unemployed. She wants to drag this process out for as long as possible due to her divorce. I would be more understanding if she hadn’t been so abusive to the whole family. She literally attacked us all and has physically attacked my other sister on a further 2 occasions. Not to mention the emotional and verbal abuse we have all received. I feel trapped, extremely frustrated, out of control and angry when I think about this.

You can imagine my thought on this! Due to her being unemployed she has been getting involved in the business and getting it up and running again. Time which myself and other sisters do not have. It may be in all of our interests to get it up and running again before we sell, so that we get the most amount of money from it. However to me, my sisters involvement is unacceptable/inappropriate as she is untrustworthy and a bully. Even though a family member fronting the business looks good for the business.

She has bullied other sisters who originally wanted to be involved in the business and my other sisters have backed down as they cannot work with her. Things have been going on in the business and none of the other directors are informed by her what is going on. She won’t answer questions. If she hears that anyone else is doing anything else, she will phone the third party and tell them to speak to her etc.

I don’t know how to handle this situation? I know my sister is allowed to be her. I can’t change that. I just feel like getting rid of the business will help me gain back control and help my mental health. I am upset that we will lose money though. So feel torn what to do. What would be your advice Brooke?