So what?


I am so psyched! I’ve got to tell you about my epiphany.

I have a history… with details… that would take a while to go through… Suffice it to say, I’ve been working on myself and this is a little story about how it’s paying off.

I screwed up. I basically said the equivalent of yelling “Bomb!” in an airport… to my, hopefully new boss. Oy! Spent time worrying about it, telling my husband about it, telling my daughter about it, telling my sister-in-law about it… and so on… and after a day of that, realized that I have a choice (cue epiphany music here).

I asked your lovely little question… So what? What’s the worst that could happen? Answer: I might not get the interview. I might be asked to leave and never return. I might get a bad reputation. But…. I would still be ok. And I’d move on to the next adventure. I felt so much better that, I told my husband about it and I told my daughter about it and I told my sister-in-law about it and so on… (Insert happy dance here). 🙂 All because I used my thoughts to my benefit instead of letting them boss me around and beat me up.

Later that day, I received an email requesting an interview!!! So that’s nice. 🙂

Loving being in charge of myself. Thanks for the lessons! I am wildly grateful!


(More happy dancing….)