Soccer practice

C: My daughter at soccer practice
T: She just stands there, it doesn’t even look like she is trying.
F: frustrated and angry, also sad
A: Tell her when we get into the car, that we need to start practicing at home
R: Feel withdrawn, and then complain to my husband when I get home about how passive our daughter is and how we should have gotten her into soccer when she was younger.

So I realized about 2 hours after the practice was over that the reason I was feeling crummy was because of my thoughts that she should be better than she is at soccer.

My IM:
C: My daughter at soccer practice
T: I’m independent from my daughter
F: Neutral
A: tell her positive things when we get into the car
R: Feel better about my parenting and realize my happiness isn’t a result of how she plays.

Help please with my intentional model and if I did it correctly.