Son considering living with his dad

I have been in Scholars only a few weeks, and this is one of my first Unintentional Models and Intentional Models.
C – My ex has spoken with my 10 year old son about moving in with him in a year and a half to start high school in his area (this is an hour away from where we currently live)
T – I would be devastated if he decides to move to his dad’s and away from me and his 2 younger sisters
F – Loss
A – (this has only happened 3 days ago) so far my actions have been verbalizing some derogatory comments about his dad and going in and out of being present then completely numb to everything else
R – I am focused on worrying about what is in the future and what may not even be and also maybe pushing my son away with my comments

C – My ex has spoken with my 10 year old son about moving in with him in a year and a half to start high school in his area (this is an hour away from where we currently live)
T – I am happy and grateful for every single day I have with my 3 children
F – Unconditional Love
A – Show my love and affection daily and be there for my children in every way possible
R – My son (and girls) will all know I love them no matter what and they will feel belonging, security, and safety in our home