Stop Overeating Workshop…then what?

Hi Brooke! I just completed watching the Stop Overeating program. So it looks like that you taught the workshop for 2 full days? For your clients that were there, what is their next step? After they attended the 2 day workshop, do you continue to meet with them (monthly, weekly) to keep working with them and build upon it and review it? On the closing video, I heard you mention upcoming month’s themes to them, so I am just curious from a coaching stand point how the weekend workshop would transfer into an ongoing program and how long that would be? (example…2 day workshop, then weekly or monthly meetings for like 6 months, or a year?) Again, I am asking from a coaching perspective what you found works well.
On a personal note, I LOVE LOVE the whole program. I watched all the videos the last 3 days. Now I want to print off the workbook and go through it again and do the work. This is amazing! Can’t thank you enough for your awesomeness!
Thanks friend!! Tracie 🙂