Successfully allowed an urge!!

I have been binging since I am 18. I have been in therapy for it since I am 18. And of course therapy has helped me BUT I have never NOT given into an urge to binge……until last night. I am amazed. I started scholars mid September and my goal for that month was to not binge. I was having great success for a few weeks until the urge to binge came upon me. I was disappointed BUT i didnt dwell on it. I wrote to you in ask Brooke and you recommended listening to how to deal with urges on the overcoming drinking link. I listened,i did the worksheet…. It helped for awhile but a few weeks later i binged again….i wrote to you again and you recommended a thought download to Uncover the thoughts i was having preceding the binge. ….each time i binged i was very disappointed….i thought i was failing….but in actuality each time i binged i learned a new skill/tool. I didnt waste too much time beating myself up….just did the work you recommended. So last night when the urge came out of no where….intensely wanting me to binge…..feeling like my life was depending on it….i Tried to do a thought download….it was difficult because my thoughts were unconscious..i couldnt find any….so i went back a few hors earlier in the day and wrote about those thoughts……i tried….it helped but The urge to binge was still there…..then I remembered the other thing you said….to allow it!…..just allow the urge…oh….ok….its just a feeling…i started to tell myself that….its just a feeling….allow it…allow it……I literally felt like i was watching the urge,like it was all around me…i started to feel calmer….not fighting it at all…..WoW….it worked,it really worked… took hours…probably the length of the time i usually would spend on the binge…it was very very uncomfortable but thats it…..uncomfortable. Amazing life altering experience. I cannot thank you enough. Kerry