Sunday Dread

Two weeks ago, I realized that on Sunday nights I was wanting to eat mindlessly. This week I stuck to my food plan, but not my drink plan. I had planned not to have any wine yesterday, but had two glasses. I did a model and was kind of surprised by what I discovered (the feeling of dread). I came up with a strategy for next Sunday, but am feeling a little stuck when I try a new model with the same circumstance. I would like some help because I believe there is something I am not seeing.

Initial Model
C: Sunday afternoon/evening– the weekend is winding down for us, preparing for the week and relaxing
T: Oh, my husband is enjoying a beer. A glass of wine sounds nice too. Sounds like a good way to relax. I don’t want this long weekend to end. I am not ready to go back to the mundane of life quite yet. It’s okay if I have a glass or two of wine. I will still stick to my food plan.
F: dread, little sadness
A: Drank 2 glass of wine over several hours
R: Wished I hadn’t drank the wine, regretful

Strategy for next Sunday:
1) create food and drink plan
2) observe the thoughts and discomfort that come up and get curious about it
3) Name and describe the discomfort I feel in the body

I am having difficulty coming up with thoughts that I could practice next Sunday to help me achieve the result I want. Please help!
C: Sunday afternoon/evening– the weekend is winding down for us, preparing for the week and relaxing
A: Eat and drink on plan
R: Feel good on Monday morning with no regret