Sundays (BL)

For the past year or so I’ve been finding Sundays very difficult.

My husband is a pastor, so Sundays are a work day for him. We have an almost-two-year-old. This year I’ve been helping out with Sunday school (which technically starts for 4-year-olds) so that he can come to Sunday school with me.

I really miss being able to attend the actual church service. The morning feels very long to me (getting me and my son ready for church by myself, going to church, helping with Sunday school, coming home and getting us lunch) and even if I take a nap while my son is napping, I feel very tired by the afternoon and resentful when my husband needs a break when he gets home.

I don’t want to be resentful; I want to be able to watch our son all day and let my husband work and then rest without picking up on any resentment from me. At the same time, I do feel resentful because I wish Sundays were more low-key, and I wish we could have more family time. (My husband also works a lot of Saturdays and sometimes I have a thought that I’m practically a single parent on the weekend…which isn’t true and isn’t serving me.)

I’ve run a few models on this but I haven’t been able to shift out of the frustration/tiredness/resentment cycle. Help!!