The angry mum

C time to go to school, my daughter says “this is not the right hairstyle I want”
T She doesn’t understand we have a real issue here and that her stupid behavior is messing everything up
F anger
A “(urge to) fight/act with violence”> untie her hairstyle, (urge to) cut her hair
“(urge to) flight”> withdraw in the bathroom or the room
R I create a big issue and make it even bigger by the way I behave

C time to go to school, my daughter says “this is not the right hairstyle I want”
T I’m willing to feel anger, it’s ok, I’m human
F acceptance
A don’t react, feel the feeling, notice it’s created by my thought, remember the thought “She doesn’t understand we have a real issue here and that her stupid behavior is messing everything up”, take distance with it by observing it, speak gently to myself, notice what I feel the urge to do
R I’m the watcher of the angry mum, I understand the angry mum better.

Dear Coach, What do you think of my models? I was inspired by page 19 of “the Model” workbook. I’m a bit shocked to think “I’m willing to feel anger” but I think that’s a way for me to grow and accept myself fully. I want to accept and see with compassion the angry mum I am sometimes. Thank you for your feedback!!