The joy of feeling urges?! (Nadège)

Dear coach,
I’m making great progress thanks to your amazing previous answer. Thank you!
The thing is: I don’t like games. As I’m a very competitive person, I can’t stand the idea of losing so I prefer not to play. Now I see how I avoid taking risks with my overeating issue…
C – 100 urges
T – I don’t want to lose at that game.
F – resistant
A – I consume all the overeating material, I create my protocol and my 100 urges worksheet but do not follow my protocol, I keep overeating
R – I lose as I don’t even try to “play” until I get to the finish line, I give up before the end of the game
But I do like challenges!!! I love surpassing myself.
C – impossible goal: feeling all my urges instead of overeating
T – I love surpassing myself thanks to challenges!
F – pure joy
A – I focus on all the joyful aspects of the challenge, I turn obstacles into strategies, I see all the benefits (and only the benefits) of surpassing myself
R – I surpass myself again and again by feeling my urges all year long
I love that intentional model.
Thank you so much for your amazing feedback!