The Late Appointment

This happened last Sunday with my hair dresser and it came out of nowhere.

C: I arrived for the appointment
T: Looking forward to getting my hair cut. She told me I was 30 minutes late. I put the time in my day timer for 1:30: She explained that I had gotten it wrong and I apologized and made further amends. She wouldn’t stop and told me over and over. It was like someone had a hammer hitting me in the head over and over. She finally calmed and we continued talking about the fires in our area.
F: Angry and felt very disrespected as an adult.
A: I made a mistake and apologized. When we finished she went onto her rant that I wouldn’t be on time again. I have been working with this woman for 4 years and I have never seen her that way. She is an excellent hairdresser, but I am not comfortable after what happened. I don’t really know how to approach her.
I want to be kind and compassionate, but not to be someone’s whipping boy.
R: Not sure what action to take.