My thoughts around my kids are driving me crazy. I know it’s not my kids.

Hi Brooke,
I indulge in the thought that my kids are driving me crazy. I want to plan my day and schedule time to get important things done, but I have a hard time sticking to my plan when things happen with my kids. (ie. dirty diapers, hungry all the time, won’t take naps, stays up past bedtime.) Here’s my download:
I don’t have time to get anything done. My kids need me all the time. There’s no point in scheduling anything because the kids will force me to change the plan anyway. My time is never my own.

C: I have two boys, age 4 and 2.
T: There’s no point in scheduling anything because the kids will force me to change the plan anyway.
F: Frustrated
A: snap at the boys and buffer with food
R: guilt over snapping at the children I love, guilt over eating junk, guilt over not being productive.

I need a good babystepping thought that will generate some empowerment for me. And I don’t want to resent my kids, I want to love on them like crazy.
Below is the model I want, but I can’t quite make my brain believe yet…
C: I have two boys, age 4 and 2.
T: I have plenty of time and energy to be the mom I want to be, and achieve my other goals.
F: confident, grateful?
A: Get shit done. Show up as the best I can for my boys.
R: I blow my own mind…

So I guess my question is, do you have any suggestions for a stepping stone thought in the middle of those two models?