Thoughts about family and friends

Hi Brooke,

Thank you so much for Self-Coaching Scholars. It’s been a life-changer for me and I’m so grateful to you! xo

I’ve been making so much progress and movement towards what I really want out of my life. I’ve lost 20 pounds so far and I’m working towards losing another 15 lbs. I’ve started an online business to offer courses and coaching for design educators. You’re right about it bringing up all my stuff! I’m practicing being confident (or at the very least, courageous) every day! 🙂

I’m struggling right now with my thoughts about my family and friends and their issues. Do I share what I know? And how do I do that without seeming to coach them? I also think I may come off as judgmental. Sometimes I find myself joining in with them when they start to complain about something. I don’t want to do that. But how do I remain supportive?

How do you do it Brooke? How do you resist coaching your family and friends? How do you remain supportive?

For example, I’m no longer interested in complaining about work. My husband and I are both teachers and I realize how much time we’ve spent in the past complaining about work! My husband wants me to listen and to empathize with him, which feels like jumping in the pool with him and triggers my own complaining.

Is this how I need to change my thoughts/feeling about it?

C – Talking with husband
T – Quit complaining about work!
F – Annoyed
A – Don’t empathize
F – Husband doesn’t feel supported

C – Talking with husband
T – I will listen and support you!
F – Unconditional love
A – Listen and acknowledge
F – Husband feels supported

Thanks Brooke! ~ jamie