Thoughts Upon Reflection

I need help with models which are created upon reflection of previous circumstances. I feel like it reinforces unhelpful beliefs that may come up the next time a scenario presents itself. I have noticed it in the aftermath, but not necessarily as the circumstance is unfolding.

C – I was reflecting about a meeting that happened last Thursday through completing a thought download. The meeting included 6 of my colleagues. My boss asked me a question. I answered.
T – (that I wrote down during the thought download when thinking about the above scenario) I can’t express myself clearly when I am put on the spot
F – Inadequate
A – Ruminate on further evidence to prove this thought true (think of other scenarios where I have thought this is true), feel further disheartened that I won’t get the results I want
R – Create more evidence to this thought being true which then causes me to not express myself clearly in future scenarios