Time management

So, I’m going all-in to become a master at my calendar and honor my time-blocks.  I know it’s requiring a lot of testing of me and today, as my first day of full commitment,
I gave myself 1 hour to clean up my house but I took 1h 40mins to complete the task.
I used my 30mins overflow block and it still wasn’t enough (I know I could have done everything in 1 hour, but my pace was too slow in the first half of my cleaning).

What is the best way to evolve in my calendar mastery when things don’t go as planned like it’s been the case today with my cleaning hour? Should I drop the broom at the end of the hour even though I didn’t complete the task, or should I complete it?

My guess is that completing the task or not after time is up doesn’t really matter, or maybe it does? I feel like the most important thing is the way I assess the situation afterwards.

So, my assessment would be: I should engage in my sessions at a faster pace and perhaps slowdown mid-session if I see that I’m gonna be for sure on time.

Thanks for giving me your view on this!