Time management/learning to honor my time commitments

How do I practice and get better at time management? I have started doing (2 weeks ) a Monday morning “TO DO” thought download and book a time to get the tasks completed but… these things are not getting done. urgh!!! I am busy all day and seriously super busy but not honoring my commitments to my tasks, to myself. I am frustrated and need to figure this out. Time management is a priority for me. I know that at the end of the time allotted, I should be done – No Matter What! But I look up at Midnight and still don’t have the things done that I promised myself that I would get done on that day. I’m working too long, procrastinating and wearing myself down to a nub. Which leads to feeling sorry for myself and overeating late at night.
ONE thing at a “time,” please help me figure out strategies to stay on track and get things done.