But I am tired – Part II

After writing and sending Part I last night, my mind kept working. I did another thought download, took a look at the Podcast list, and honed in on the one entitled “Self-Pity.” And realized, “oh, hello self pity.” What a parent with little kids who is tired? No! Never! So, here are the models that I have come up with after being honest with myself:

C: Kids wake me up in the middle of the night and/or early
T: I am so tired. I deserve more sleep.
F: Self-pity and annoyance
A: I am short with my kids
R: I don’t fully show up for the kids because my head is half focused on wishing I had more sleep.

Only thing: I am not sure this result confirms the thought?

C: Kids wake me up in the middle of the night and/or early
T: I am so lucky to have these little people in my lives who need me
F: Filled with love
A: I wake up filled with compassion
R: I show up fully for them and get in some extra snuggles

Sincere thanks!