
Is tired a thought or a feeling. Most of my models have my
C: I’ve committed to making healthy dinners and it’s time to make a healthy dinner
T: I’m tired
F: Tired
A: Grab something unhealthy that’s quick
R: I don’t loose weight

New models I’ve tried but haven’t given me the Feeling/ Action/ result I want. Hoping to borrow a thought about being tired.

New model I’ve tried
C: I’ve committed to making healthy dinners and it’s time to make dinner
T: I’m tired but I committed so I should do it anyway
F: motivated
A: I make healthy dinner and stay on track
R: I eat on protocol

When I tell myself in the moment to do it anyway I feel like My lower brain has more pull and my tiredness adds to my decrease in willpower. Any advice on other thoughts to try on instead of “I’m so tired”

Love you! Thanks!