To Coach or Not to Coach

I had been working with another coach who was excellent before I joined Scholars. I have a coaching call with him on Thursday and I want to cancel it, but I’m unsure what to tell him.

C: I have a coaching call with John on Thursday
T: I want to put all my energy into Scholars and stop using him, but don’t know what to say
F: Worry
A: I’m ruminating about how to tell him
R: I’m not following through on what I think is best for me.

C: I have a coaching call with John on Thursday
T: I must cancel the call by Tuesday so I am not charged for the call
F: Optimism
A: I email John and cancel the call
R: I am creating what is best for me.

C: I must cancel my coaching call with John by Tuesday so I don’t get charged for the call.
T: I feel I owe him an explanation and I don’t want him to think I didn’t appreciate his work.
F: Fear
A: I’m in a standstill . . . Ruminating
R: I am putting off what is best for me.